
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2012

Master Lingyun Story, 師父凌雲

Many years ago, Master Tianxing, the leader of Wu-Tang clan, had dark hair and few troubles. Today his hair is white and his brow is always furrowed. Like the sacred Yin-Yang itself, all stories and all pupils carry traits of light and darkness. So it is written that a contest of swords was announced in Shiyan, a small city in Hubei Province, known for its steel manufacturing, to the South of Wu Tang Shan. As the time to recruit new disciples to Wu-Tang clan was drawing near again, The Master Tianxing brought an envoy of his followers to observe, in the hope of discovering fresh talent. In attendance was a young swordsman, barely fifteen years of age, named Jeng Lei, who was nearly denied admission due to his youth. The contest lasted six full days and boasted over four hundred individual matches. It was during the final twelve matches, each fought in tandem, that Master Tianxing became aware of Jeng Li and his tremendous raw talent. Clearly, the boy was gifted, as he hammered away

Binlang, Betelnut o Nuez de Betel

La famosa Betelnut Beauty   Binlang, en espanhol Nuez de Betel. Es un estimulante y psicoactivo preparado con hoja de betel, nuez de areca y cal muy consumido por la clase trabajadora de los paises orientales. Se caracteriza por sus efectos adictivos e indusores de euforia con efectos adversos para la salud. En taiwan es comun ver a feminas con atuendos sexies vender este producto a los taxistas, albanhiles y otros trabajadores. Las tiendas son identificadas con tener tubos fluorescentes o luces de neon. Al ser masticadas se puede observar un color rojizo en la saliva del consumidor que a veces para los que no estan habituados les parece un poco desagradable..